If you want to get ahead … look after that head

    It’s Mental Health Awareness Week, so think on these things…

    WHILE many organisations do offer mental health support, the service is obsolete if fewer than one in five employees is aware of it.

    And some 80 percent of people have no idea if they have an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) at work. A 2,000-person survey conducted by workplace mental wellbeing firm Plumm reveals a pressing need for education around mental health in the workplace.

    The government estimates that one in six workers experiences a mental health condition, such as anxiety and depression, every week. And that means millions across the UK are not accessing the mental health care they need.

    Plumm’s mission is to encourage employees to access support — before reaching a crisis point.

    Founder and CEO Asim Amin says people expect more from their employers. “Mental health conditions are increasing, with an ever-rising number of people needing support,” Amin says. “Organisations need to prioritise their people to safeguard those working for them.”

    Mental health services can be expensive, and that is a barrier for many. “If organisations offer accessible mental wellbeing support, cost-free to the end-user, there’s an opportunity to change the rapid growth in mental health conditions.”

    With the release of a new app, in addition to the existing Slack and Microsoft Teams apps, Plumm’s global customers — including Itsu, Ubisoft,  Farfetch, and DHL — offer mental wellbeing support to employees inside and outside of the workplace.