Barclays Bank Kenya — Best Sharia-Compliant Investment Bank | Kenya 2019

BARCLAYS Bank Kenya is a financial institution that inspires trust with its sound governance policies and conscientious investment strategies — and its Sharia-compliant products enable clients to manage their wealth while respecting their faith. Islamic banking practices are rooted in honesty, integrity, and trust, and these principles are the cornerstone of the solutions offered by Barclays Bank Kenya. The bank offers current and saving accounts for private individuals, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and corporate conglomerates – all of them Sharia-compliant. Barclays Bank Kenya provides clients with investment and financing solutions that uphold the highest standards. Assalamu’alaikum, the Islamic greeting goes – Unto you, peace – and the ethical focus of the bank certainly brings clients peace of mind. Its positive, affirmative and coherent approach convinced the BV judging panel. For the second consecutive year Barclays Bank Kenya is a winner, taking the 2019 award for Best Sharia-Compliant Investment Bank (Kenya).

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