Workers from across Europe strengthen our businesses

The Migration Advisory Committee has been asked to examine the impact of EU immigration in the UK.

Josh Hardie, CBI Deputy Director-General, said:

“Workers from across Europe strengthen our businesses and help our public services run more smoothly – any new migration system should protect these benefits while restoring public confidence. Asking the Migration Advisory Committee to set out the facts is a sensible first step.

wood worker circular saw“The immediate priority is securing agreement as soon as possible with the EU27 on UK and EU citizens’ reciprocal rights, which will help the negotiations progress quickly to future trading arrangements.

“The Committee’s review will be vital to address longer-term questions. Given the importance of mobile skills and labour for the UK economy, firms will want the review to move at pace and include the views of all sectors. Businesses urgently need to know what a new system will look like – during transition and afterwards.”

Source: CBI

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