
Mind Trace, one of the innovators showcased at events in March

Uni-supported innovators to pitch at showcase events

FOUNDERS of University of Edinburgh-supported start-ups will be able to showcase their companies to an audience of investors at two events taking in March. Ten...
PET plastic waste, plastic pollution

Mutant enzyme can break down PET plastic in matter of hours

SCIENTISTS have developed a bacterial enzyme that breaks down plastic bottles for recycling — within hours. The “mutant” enzyme, engineered after being found in a...
Jo Halliday, CEO, Talking Medicines

AI and machine learning bolster pharma data-analysis

A SPECIALIST in social intelligence for the pharmaceutical industry has developed a systematic way of measuring patients’ experience of taking medicines. Glasgow-based Talking Medicines was...
DNA gene

Sweet gene victory around the corner? Therapeutic advances come rolling in

As the UK Government opens its new ‘Catapult’ centre devoted to gene therapy manufacturing, could 2018 be the year of its mainstream commercialisation? BV’s...
Tesco Colney Hatch by Michelle Davies

A crazed new world: coronavirus, paranoia, and Zombie Apocalypse shopping tips

By Hal Williams YOU WALK into the supermarket, intending to just pick up a few things, and wha…. ? The place is swarming. Shelves are...
Teeth, smile, close-up. Calcivis

Flash-in-the-mouth tech win for Scots firm

SCOTTISH dental-imaging tech company Calcivis is getting its teeth into the US thanks to pre-market approval from the FDA. CEO of the Edinburgh-based firm, Adam...

Prospecting goes orbital with satellite tech

A UK SATELLITE firm has won a multi-million-pound customer contract to construct a remote-sensing prospecting satellite. Exobotics will design, manufacture, and test a CubeSat satellite...