
Car dealership

UK car market stalled for fears of ‘emissions laws and Brexit’

NEW UK car registrations in 2019 fell to their lowest level in six years. A total of 2.31m new cars were registered in 2019, down...

Reducing Risks in Developing Countries is Key to Spur Investment and...

A stable business environment, effective regulations, and political stability are among the key drivers of foreign direct investment (FDI) into developing countries, according to...
Markus Braun, ex-CEO Wirecard

Twists and turns of the Wirecard scandal resemble a crime thriller

With the start of the trial of ex-CEO Markus Braun, here is the background story of the Wirecard fraud. This article was first published...
Tech Nation 2022 events

Tech Nation winds-down after grant funding is cut

AFTER a decade as a government-backed organisation in the UK scale-up ecosystem, Tech Nation will cease operations and seeks to transfer its assets. The decision...
TPP-11 signatories

To TPP or not to TPP

BV staffer Richard Thomas peruses the latest development in the on-going saga of Britain’s EU-exit — and discovers new potential for UK trade In an...