Global Finance

Business concerns 2022

Rising inflation is top concern of small businesses for 2022

Research by lender iwoca has unearthed some concerns for business in 2022 WITH rising inflation predicted by the Bank of England and the threat of...
Crowdfunding graphic

SMEs ‘turn to crowdfunding to fuel growth out of the pandemic’

SMEs ARE more likely to choose non-traditional ways of accessing capital, including crowdfunding (32 percent) or offering investment opportunities to employees (30 percent), than...
Big Issue Invest — social investment

Big Issue Invest puts £40m into social enterprises

BIG ISSUE Invest (BII) has launched its 2020-2021 Impact Report. The social investment arm of The Big Issue supported 184 social enterprises across the UK...
Flexible working: Robert McAlpine construction workers

Stretch and bend: flexibility is the future of business in UK

FLEXIBLE working contributes £37bn to the UK economy each year, according to a recent economic study. Flexonomics: The Economic and Fiscal Benefits of Flexible Working...
Cancer startup entrepreneurs

University’s incubator programme selects cancer-fighting start-ups

TWENTY start-ups — eight of them operating projects in the field of cancer — have been selected for a University of Edinburgh incubator programme...
ABSA Bank Botswana branch

Booming in Botswana: Absa has taken inclusive banking to its heart

ABSA BANK Botswana — formerly Barclays Bank of Botswana Ltd — has been through some exciting times just lately. The adoption of the new...
Gambling sector 5MLD

Security and gambling sector: ‘costly’ directive gains ground

OPERATORS in the gaming and gambling sector are on average 66 percent of the way through their fifth anti-money laundering directive (5MLD) implementation programmes. That...
MasterCard, VISA cards. Credit card borrowing illustration

An ill-wind for Visa quickly blows in Mastercard’s favour

AMAZON has told customers in the UK that it will stop accepting Visa credit cards early next year because of high transaction fees. The retail...
Tamer Group, logistics, warehousing

Entrepreneurship, zest for growth, and a major milestone approaching

Tamer Group has prospered by sticking to its principles and adapting to changing market environments… HEADQUARTERED in Jeddah, Tamer Group offers a full end-to-end service,...
Wright Spirit

The sky’s no longer the limit for zero-emission vehicles

EVs are no longer earthbound, as COP26 has just found out. BV’s Richard Thomas reports on the emergence of the electric passenger plane… US-BASED sustainable...