
UNCTAD Investment and Enterprise Division: Tax and Investment Policymaking: The Need...

The fiscal contribution of MNEs (multinational enterprises) has been at the centre of attention for some time. Numerous instances of well-known firms paying little...

Americas: The Global Reach of US Justice Cleans Up Sports

Whilst the assault on personal freedom and civic liberties perpetrated under the guise of the ill-defined and open-ended war on terrorism has become one...

Chronicle of a Death Foretold

As a monetary bludgeon wielded menacingly to impose a federalisation process on the reluctant nations of Europe, the euro has failed miserable. As a...

SpaceX: Making a Splash in Privatised Space Exploration

The United States government is outsourcing its business in space at an astronomical rate. Contracts worth billions of dollars are being awarded to private...

Latin America: Corruption – Disrupting Business as Usual

“I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on here,” says Captain Louis Renault of the Casablanca police upon entering Rick’s Bar. A...

Sallie Krawcheck (CEO Ellevest): Pouring scorn on outdated ideas

BEING ousted from a company during ‘restructuring’ is never pleasant for anyone. For many, it’s a time handed over to duvet days, crises of...

PwC: Nigeria – Prosperity Beyond Oil

PwC recently published a report in conjunction with the Lagos State Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) on the key macro-economic challenges in Nigeria....

The desolation of a South American giant

VENEZUELAN social media is a curious thing. There are few pictures of parents proudly showing off their kids, or people buzzing with their hazy...

Ha-Joon Chang: Guerrilla Economist

After living in the UK for nearly thirty years, Ha-Joon Chang is not overly impressed by the weather or the national preoccupation with cricket....

Middle East: Iran – Open for Business

Mention Iran to a stamp collector, and it’s quite possible you’ll witness a human being salivate like a dog being teased with a bone....