
Yemeni Military Shibam

Drug cartels, weapons, banks and the Greenback — illicit trade continues,...

Major banks are unwittingly laundering drug money to fund international arms deals, a former US Senate candidate tells BV editor HAL WILLIAMS US BUSINESS intelligence...
Rock of Gibraltar

Big concepts and dreams as Gibraltar wades into a new financial...

It was all about fintech at the Gibfin conference on the Rock in the closing days of February. HAL WILLIAMS was there to meet...
Cannabis plants

Dramatic about-turn on legal cannabis has US states in turmoil and...

The American Green Rush to the newly legalised cannabis industry had barely begun when prohibitionist US Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced, just days into...
Port, containers, trade

New ICC business guide demystifies international trade agreements

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the world business organisation, has released the first volume of Business Guide to Trade and Investment, a nuts...

Reducing Risks in Developing Countries is Key to Spur Investment and...

A stable business environment, effective regulations, and political stability are among the key drivers of foreign direct investment (FDI) into developing countries, according to...
Beirut bomb damage

The booming business of war and the slim spectre of hope

When American writer PJ O’Rourke spent the autumn of 1984 in Lebanon as the country’s civil war began to heat up, the hotel receptionist...
World Bank Logo

Europe and Central Asia Region Sees Stronger Growth, Amidst Rise in...

Warsaw, October 19, 2017 – Economic growth for the Europe and Central Asia region will reach 2.2% in 2017, according to the World Bank’s latest...
Bombardier C Series

Airbus strikes a deal with Bombardier

Just as the Canadian firm looked like it was being grounded by massive US tariffs, a European saviour with a long-term plan comes to...

ICC partners with Argentina for 11th WTO Ministerial Conference Business Forum

Alongside World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations in Buenos Aires this December, the government of Argentina is officially partnering with ICC on the event’s Business...
World Bank Logo

Statement on Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi)

WASHINGTON, October 12, 2017 ‒ The Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi) donor countries today issued the following statement: It is with great pleasure that we officially launch...