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KFIC blood donation

Admirable driving forces put KFIC at head of pack

KFIC was established in early 2000s as a Kuwaiti Shareholding Company, primarily operating in the financial services sector. The company's driving forces are its shareholders,...
Woman working remotely on a laptop

Can digital nomad visas enable us to work from anywhere…?

Businesses need to prepare for international remote working, argues KRISTIAN TORODE THE CONCEPT of digital nomads isn’t exactly new — but a recent visa trend...
Apple share price, iPhone, MacBook

Apple shares fall as China bans iPhone use

By HAL WILLIAMS ISAAC Newton would doubtless see the gravity of the situation: Apple's stock market valuation has fallen by more than six percent. That’s quite...
Tat Motors Pune plant

You want chips with that? Semiconductor shortage hits luxury car market

THE OWNER of Jaguar Land Rover, India’s Tata Motors, has announced a quarterly loss of more than £700m — and says a global semiconductor...

Ready, aim, hire! It’s a digital call-up

RETIRED Australian Army Captain Tom Larter is calling for UK businesses to literally join forces — and commit to filling a proportion of digital...
Young people in business meeting, Gen Z return to office

Younger workers are keen to get back to the office, survey...

A CLOCKWISE survey has found that a majority of Gen Z workers would prefer to work from an office. Ministers have proposed legal changes that...
Tamer Group, Tamer Logistics truck in loading bay

Caring for people, looking for growth — wisdom from Tamer Group

INITIATIVES from Tamer Group are panning out in all sorts of positive ways. Its three-year plan to incorporate business-relevant WEF Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics — targeting...
Electric Classic Cars Porsche 911

EV News Round-up Spring 2020

By RICHARD THOMAS APART from range anxiety, the main reservation about electric vehicles (EVs) has been the question of whether they are actually "greener" than...
World Bank Logo

Commodity prices likely to rise further in 2018: World Bank

Oil prices to average $56 a barrel in 2018, up from 2017 average of $53/bbl Oil prices are forecast to rise to $56 a barrel...
Titanic Belfast, Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland on a roll since 1998 agreement

SINCE the Good Friday Agreement was signed in 1998, Northern Ireland’s GDP has more than doubled. An economic analysis by trade and investment advisory firm...