Henry Kissinger: A Loyal Visionary
Heinz Alfred Kissinger is a creature of habit. Even though he turns 93 in May, his routine most weekends is pretty much the same:...
Mary Robinson: A Lifetime Dedicated to Human Rights
Lawyer, legislator, social reformer, politician, and UN High Commissioner, Mary Robinson has been a powerful force for change in her native Ireland and across...
Joseph E Stiglitz and Hamid Rashid: Closing Developing Countries’ Capital Drain
Developing countries are bracing for a major slowdown this year. According to the UN report World Economic Situation and Prospects 2016, their growth averaged...
Michael Pettis: Money Is Not Created Out of Thin Air
A recurring conversation I have with clients concerns the ability of banks to create credit, and of governments to monetise debt, and whether this...
Robert J Schiller: Fighting the Next Global Financial Crisis
What do people mean when they criticise generals for fighting the last war? It’s not that generals ever think they will face the same...
UNCTAD Investment and Enterprise Division: An Investment Perspective on International Taxation
Tax avoidance practices by multinational enterprises (MNEs) often depend on corporate structures that are built by routing investments through offshore investment hubs or conduits...
Anders Åslund: The Submerging Market Threat
It is time to put the rise of the emerging economies in perspective. The rapid economic growth in much of the developing world since...
Americas: The Global Reach of US Justice Cleans Up Sports
Whilst the assault on personal freedom and civic liberties perpetrated under the guise of the ill-defined and open-ended war on terrorism has become one...
Africa: Tech Giants in the Making
Emboldened by the success of its home-grown M-PESA mobile payment framework, Kenya is now set to become Africa’s tech giant with even Google taking...
John and Patrick Collison: Two Lads in Silicon Valley
Deciding to drop out of Yale University half-way through the curriculum requires a good reason. A privileged Ivy League education is not dispensed with...