SME & Growth-Phase Co

Tech Nation 2022 events

Prioritise value realisation, says final report from Tech Nation

TECH Nation, the growth platform for tech scaleups, has published its final report. How to Build a Scale-up shines a light on the state of...
Tech Nation 2022 events

Tech Nation winds-down after grant funding is cut

AFTER a decade as a government-backed organisation in the UK scale-up ecosystem, Tech Nation will cease operations and seeks to transfer its assets. The decision...
Kibble Cafe

Quirky TikTok trends ‘can help to drive business’

WHAT happens when TikTok trends and British small businesses collide? That’s what Funding Circle, the UK’s largest small-business platform, wanted to know. The firm paired...
Futurestate Design book

Design your business for ‘tomorrow’s customers’

By MARK WILSON BUSINESSES are facing tough times, with EU trade difficulties and inflation driving pessimism. So, now’s the time to reimagine things using creativity and...
sales, marketing, growth, business keywords illustration

Sales and marketing: ‘invisible’ roles…?

SALES-enablement platform Highspot has released a whitepaper, European State of Sales and Marketing Alignment 2022. Professionals in the UK, France and Germany believe alignment, communication...
Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak leaving Number 10

Boris out! UK SMEs voice drop of confidence in PM

THE MAJORITY of UK SMEs want Boris Johnson to step aside — with 63 percent saying they would like to see him forced out. In...
Glasgow Clydeport

I belong tae Glasgae… as do top honours for SME growth

GLASGOW has emerged as the best city to work for a small business in Britain. Research by small business lender iwoca ranked areas using ONS...
Carpenter, woodwork, saw, apprenticeship

SMEs hamstrung by Apprenticeship Levy limitations

AS THE UK celebrates National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) 2022, the Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo) urges levy-paying recruitment firms and SMEs to make...
Business taxes

Key announcements from Spring Budget that affect entrepreneurs

By SARAH BALCHIN WITH all the speculation around changes to personal tax in the run up to the Spring Budget, in the end, very little...
shop door, open sign

A nation of shopkeepers? Entrepreneurs, more like!

ENTREPRENEURIAL Britain is a two-day initiative planned for 2021 and designed “to reignite the entrepreneurial spirit” of UK towns and cities. The outbreak of Covid-19...