Johnson must deliver ‘transformative’ strategy to help disabled people in UK
BUSINESS leaders have called on UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson to deliver on his promise of a transformative National Strategy for Disabled People.
In an...
Great apes benefit from guerrilla tactics from online community
REDDIT’s at it again. Fresh from boosting the share price of game retailer GameStop, the WallStreetBets community has gone wild, “adopting” 3,500 wild gorillas...
No beer, no problem! Programme that beats poor habits is blooming
A MOVEMENT to change the world’s relationship with alcohol, One Year No Beer, saw its biggest intake last year.
Which is odd, because if ever...
Key announcements from Spring Budget that affect entrepreneurs
WITH all the speculation around changes to personal tax in the run up to the Spring Budget, in the end, very little...
Embracing the ‘Mama Bear Moment’: Gender-equality is moving on apace
On International Women’s Day, TEODORA GAVRILUT looks at how things are changing – mostly for the better
AGAINST the backdrop of 2020’s challenges, there has...
British business leaders have their say about the Budget
YESTERDAY’S Budget announcement by Chancellor Rishi Sunak has opened the floodgates: comment is flooding in to BV.
Here we list some of the most recent...
Sunak’s Budget brings relief to many – with a few misgivings
THE BRITISH chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced the 2021 Budget, with pledges to help recovery from the Covid pandemic.
The support package for...
Out of this world: Space tourism touchpaper is lit
A BV REPORT on space tourism seemed like a glimpse of a more distant future when it was published in Summer, 2018,...
Lloyds Bank profits nosedived in 2020 … but less than expected
LLOYDS Bank has announced a 70 percent slump in annual profits.
CEO Antonio Horta-Osorio said the pandemic had had a profound effect on the bank’s...
Social enterprise brings hope and work to people with disabilities
TWO-and-a-half million Brits are expected to be unemployed this year, and there is concern about how disabled people especially will fare in the pandemic...
Company boards ‘flounder on diversity and inclusion’
A REPORT by the Pension and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) Diversity and Inclusion points to a lack of trustee board diversity in the UK.
Blade Runner, move over: flying taxis are on the way
A UNITED States airline is buying flying electric taxis to ferry passengers to airports — a futuristic plan that it hopes to implement within...