We ‘can’t opt-out of AI race’, says Chancellor
UK CHANCELLOR Jeremy Hunt wants Britain to “win the race” for AI development and lead the country’s international growth challenge.
Failing to do so will...
Submit to the matrix — and work smarter
IN THE 1930s, industrial engineer Allen F Morgenstern coined the phrase: “Work smarter, not harder.” So, what does that look like today?
SMEs stymied by customs paperwork, says FSB
SMALL UK firms are being held back from international trade by excessive customs paperwork, soaring costs and supply chain issues, says the Federation of...
Copyright: don’t get it wrong
Legal protection of copyright in business is of national concern, says HAMID BAGHERZADEH
WHILE businesses assume their copyright covers multiple territories, their creative works and...
Humanise tech … resistance is futile … beep
HUMANISE technology or digital transformation is doomed — that’s the message from one of the experts speaking at the Retail Technology Show being held...
Pandemic policies linger on — and ‘hurt workers’
RESEARCH shows 59 percent of workers in “deskless” industries — manufacturing, care, construction, and retail — believe the negative effects of the pandemic are...
Using talent as a springboard for growth
IN TIMES of economic uncertainty, the challenge of the moment is to stay ahead of the digital transformation curve and tackle skills...
Ida Tin: a woman with the heart of a lion
BV has profiled this femtech pioneer before — and probably will again. There’s no stopping her, reports HEATHER LEAH SMITH...
IDA TIN is a Danish...
The Great Tech Unrest: refresh your screen
OVER three quarters (77 percent) of UK tech professionals are unhappy in their jobs — and they’re seeking new roles.
The What Do Tech Talent...
How resellers can ride the recession wave
CHANNEL resellers find themselves in a precarious position. With mounting pressure to cut costs and inflation at an all-time high, vendors are...