Mohamed A El-Erian: The Great Policy Divergence
Over the next few weeks, the US Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank are likely to put in place notably different policies. The...
Nouriel Roubini: 2008 Revisited?
The question I am asked most often nowadays is this: Are we back to 2008 and another global financial crisis and recession?
My answer is...
Jean-Claude Juncker: Navigating the Perfect Storm
Jean-Claude Juncker’s political fuse was lit at an early age. The trajectory of his ballistic career path tracked straight and true to the most...
WEF: Beyond Davos
From helping China open up its economy (1976) to avoiding war between Greece and Turkey (1988) and bringing together West and East Germany (1989);...
IFC: Climate Change – Threat and Opportunity for Private Sector
As world leaders met at the 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21) in...
Mary Robinson: A Lifetime Dedicated to Human Rights
Lawyer, legislator, social reformer, politician, and UN High Commissioner, Mary Robinson has been a powerful force for change in her native Ireland and across...
Michael Pettis: Money Is Not Created Out of Thin Air
A recurring conversation I have with clients concerns the ability of banks to create credit, and of governments to monetise debt, and whether this...
Americas: The Global Reach of US Justice Cleans Up Sports
Whilst the assault on personal freedom and civic liberties perpetrated under the guise of the ill-defined and open-ended war on terrorism has become one...
Mario Draghi: Bending Markets to His Will
He’s called Super Mario for a reason. Facing down Greek radicals, engineering an economic recovery, keeping banks from toppling, fixing the bond crisis, and...
EIB Investment Plan for Europe: Revolution in Use of Public Resources
The Marshall Plan did much to inject life into the post-war recovery of Europe. Initially comprising $13 billion, mostly in direct aid, the plan...