
Dhow Qatar Trade

Qatar Trade In Crisis

The international blockade on doing business with Qatar has left the oil rich state fragile. Despite the finger pointing and accusations of its support...

Book Review: Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and...

There aren’t many contemporary works on global economics that pinpoint the Black Death as a major factor in the development of the modern world. Economist...
Argentina flag with dollar bills

Argentina slaps controls on forex in bid to salvage peso

ARGENTINA has imposed capital controls to halt a slump in foreign currency reserves and save the peso. The central bank has set a five-day limit...

Asia Pacific: Japan – A Uniquely Successful Model

Ernest Hemmingway once said that going broke happens very slowly – and then all of a sudden. The world has been waiting for more...

Dr Bernard Kourchner: Activist of Humanitarian Intervention

Humanitarian, activist, doctor, and politician: Bernard Kouchner is an outspoken advocate for the duty of states to intervene in other countries in order to...

Sallie Krawcheck (CEO Ellevest): Pouring scorn on outdated ideas

BEING ousted from a company during ‘restructuring’ is never pleasant for anyone. For many, it’s a time handed over to duvet days, crises of...
Adam Smith bust

How Adam Smith became a (surprising) hero to conservative economists

By Glory M Liu* PEOPLE like to fight over Adam Smith. To some, the Scottish philosopher is the patron saint of capitalism who wrote that...

Africa: Tech Giants in the Making

Emboldened by the success of its home-grown M-PESA mobile payment framework, Kenya is now set to become Africa’s tech giant with even Google taking...