Customs duty, credit cards, cash

SMEs stymied by customs paperwork, says FSB

SMALL UK firms are being held back from international trade by excessive customs paperwork, soaring costs and supply chain issues, says the Federation of...
Accounts, late payment illustration

Cash on the barrelhead, or cheque in the post?

Entrepreneurs say ‘enough is enough’ as late payment crisis worsens THE FEDERATION of Small Businesses has released a report uncovering “the true scale” of damage...
SME loan legislation illustration

Trade body’s plea over conflicting SME loan legislation

THE NATIONAL Association of Commercial Finance Brokers is calling on the government to intervene over SME lending policies. In an open letter to City Minister...
Small Business Britain logo, Small Business Help

Small business? Big assistance, at no charge

SMALL Business Britain has launched a support programme, in partnership with Lloyds Banking Group, to help small businesses survive a challenging economic period. With SMEs facing...
Payment rails illustration

SMEs seek resilience in uncertain times

By TIM ANNIS THE BANK of England has raised interest rates to the highest in 14 years, and over half of UK firms issued profit...
Pott'd founders Frankie and Sascha

A founder’s story, and some Pott’d history

Lockdown was indisputably dull, but as FRANKIE THOROGOOD recounts, the boredom led to an exciting business idea... THE INSPIRATION for Pott’d came during a Groundhog...
Tech Nation 2022 events

Tech Nation winds-down after grant funding is cut

AFTER a decade as a government-backed organisation in the UK scale-up ecosystem, Tech Nation will cease operations and seeks to transfer its assets. The decision...
Kibble Cafe

Quirky TikTok trends ‘can help to drive business’

WHAT happens when TikTok trends and British small businesses collide? That’s what Funding Circle, the UK’s largest small-business platform, wanted to know. The firm paired...
Personal guarantee insurance illustration

Support calls from SMEs in UK and US

UK firm Purbeck’s personal guarantee insurance has seen a sharp rise in small businesses contacting its mentoring and advice service for support. From January to...
Pension plan, hiring practices illustration

ONS data reveals need for better hiring practices

THE OFFICE for National Statistics (ONS) has revealed a decline in UK unemployment levels — but talent out-sourcing and advisory service AMS warns that...