
Young people in business meeting, Gen Z return to office

Younger workers are keen to get back to the office, survey...

A CLOCKWISE survey has found that a majority of Gen Z workers would prefer to work from an office. Ministers have proposed legal changes that...
Skills, talent, training, development graphic

Using talent as a springboard for growth

By MARÍA BALBÁS IN TIMES of economic uncertainty, the challenge of the moment is to stay ahead of the digital transformation curve and tackle skills...

The bottle of Hastings

The driving force behind the success of Netflix. IF he didn’t have a healthy fear of the uncompromising wrath of his wife, Reed Hastings' net...
Standing desk, ergonomic workstation, not sitting

Bummer of a talent, but we all have it…

By HAL WILLIAMS IT’S NICE to find I’m finally an expert in something — and so, BV reader, are you. At which task are we so...

Too darned hot… how our inner thermostat affects behaviour

Could good air-conditioning be the key to better customer service? IN THE summer of 2010, Moscow experienced its worst heat wave in centuries. Air-conditioning and...
Tired employees

Policing employees’ misdeeds may hinge on ‘fatigue factor’

Tired workers are seen as less culpable for ethical slips and misdemeanours, research by Yajun Zhang, Kai Chi Yam, Maryam Kouchaki and Junwei Zhang of the...
Corporate Rebels

Workplace savants bringing magic to the daily grind

The Corporate Rebels travel the world to brighten up your working day and take a challenge to management. HAL WILLIAMS reports EVER felt overlooked and...

Grant Thornton Hong Kong: Mergers and Acquisitions – Cultural Alignment for...

Too often companies put together look great on paper but are fraught with management and structural problems that end up turning deals into busts....
Keyboard data privacy graphic

The cash cost of data-access requests can be outrageous

DATA Subject Access Requests (DSARs) are costing UK businesses £72,000 to £336,000 — each — every year. A DSAR is when an individual demands that...

Book review — Vance reveals essence of Musk

Elon Musk (Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future) - by Ashlee Vance CREDIT where it’s due. When someone puts together a biography...