
UNCTAD Investment and Enterprise Division: An Investment Perspective on International Taxation

Tax avoidance practices by multinational enterprises (MNEs) often depend on corporate structures that are built by routing investments through offshore investment hubs or conduits...

Americas: The Global Reach of US Justice Cleans Up Sports

Whilst the assault on personal freedom and civic liberties perpetrated under the guise of the ill-defined and open-ended war on terrorism has become one...

PwC: Technological Innovation to Drive Growth in Africa’s Agribusiness

Currently, agriculture is standing on the edge of a second green revolution. This revolution will entail fundamental shifts in how the agricultural sector uses...

Ilan Kapoor: Not Easily Impressed by Do-Gooders

Professor Ilan Kapoor doesn’t believe in participatory development. He considers the concept little more than a misleading slogan – harsher words have been used...

The Funny German: Henning Wehn

Henning Wehn has carved out the most unlikely career as a stand-up comedian in the UK. Unlikely, because most British people are convinced that...

Asia Pacific: Japan – A Uniquely Successful Model

Ernest Hemmingway once said that going broke happens very slowly – and then all of a sudden. The world has been waiting for more...

Playing to Win or Playing to Survive? Urbanisation and the Knowledge...

It is no surprise that cities around the world have been expanding over the last few decades. The pace of this trend is breath-taking....

UNCDF “What Did We Learn?” Series: UNCDF MicroLead Expansion Innovations Reaching...

Increasing the capacity of financial institutions to provide low-balance savings accounts and reach low-income clients in developing countries with technology-driven products has become an...

Eden Full Goh: Here Comes the Sun

Eden Full Goh was barely ten when she picked up a book at the neighbourhood library with detailed instructions on how to build a...

Dr Bernard Kourchner: Activist of Humanitarian Intervention

Humanitarian, activist, doctor, and politician: Bernard Kouchner is an outspoken advocate for the duty of states to intervene in other countries in order to...