North America

IFC: Climate Change – Threat and Opportunity for Private Sector

As world leaders met at the 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21) in...

Brian Chesky: The Reason You Don’t Need to Find a Room...

Brian Chesky, CEO of AirBnB, is a champion of the global sharing economy. Proving that there’s no place like someone else’s home, AirBnB –...

Henry Kissinger: A Loyal Visionary

Heinz Alfred Kissinger is a creature of habit. Even though he turns 93 in May, his routine most weekends is pretty much the same:...

Robert J Schiller: Fighting the Next Global Financial Crisis

What do people mean when they criticise generals for fighting the last war? It’s not that generals ever think they will face the same...

UNCTAD Investment and Enterprise Division: An Investment Perspective on International Taxation

Tax avoidance practices by multinational enterprises (MNEs) often depend on corporate structures that are built by routing investments through offshore investment hubs or conduits...

Americas: The Global Reach of US Justice Cleans Up Sports

Whilst the assault on personal freedom and civic liberties perpetrated under the guise of the ill-defined and open-ended war on terrorism has become one...

Scott Eckert: Robots to the Rescue

Daniel H Wilson, the writer of humorous fiction like How to Survive a Robot Uprising and Robopocalypse says, tongue-in-cheek: “Someday mankind must face and...

John and Patrick Collison: Two Lads in Silicon Valley

Deciding to drop out of Yale University half-way through the curriculum requires a good reason. A privileged Ivy League education is not dispensed with...

Oh What a Circus, Oh What a Show: Marissa Mayer and...

The struggling Internet portal, which in February announced plans to axe 15% of its workforce, was the gateway of choice to the internet for...

Book Review – Private Island: Why Britain Now Belongs to Someone...

It remains somewhat of a mystery how Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne manages the UK government’s financial affairs. Presiding over a buoyant economy,...