
Camel racing with robot jockeys

Camel racing hits its stride as robot jockeys take the saddle

The sport is making a massive comeback in the UAE thanks to some new technology that’s proving to be big business PEOPLE have been racing...

JAMES PARK (CEO Fitbit Inc): Fighting fit, and armed with a...

WHEN serial entrepreneur James Park dropped out of Harvard, he did so with a smile on his face. Not the smug grin of someone...
Self driving Uber prototype in San Francisco

Uber über alles? Ride-hailing firm damaged by leaked files

By HEATHER LEAH SMITH DISTURBING details have surfaced surrounding ride-hailing service Uber’s chaotic global expansion period. Uber was founded in the US in 2009; within three...
Cat on toilet, Fibrecycle illustration

Old news is good news for FibreCycle

Catch it at the pet expo in Surrey later this month... SCUNTHORPE eco-conscious innovator FibreCycle has for some time been making an example for/of the...

Helmut Schmidt (1918-2015): Pure Genius at the Helm

When the Cold War cast its sinister shadow over Europe, one man turned a key that opened a door for the USA, and allowed...
Hybrid technology mixing physical and digital worlds

People, technology, and other hybrid solutions

MANY organisations are failing to get the investment results that they had hoped for, partly because of peer pressure to transform where and how...
Artificial Intelligence

Masayoshi Son: Great Business Visionary, or Deluded Dreamer?

He’s won, lost, then won a fortune again. Now he has amassed the gigantic ‘Vision Fund’ from which to spread investment around the world’s...
Businessman AI handshake

AI summit hears of widespread fear surrounding tech

THOSE attending last week’s AI Safety Summit at Bletchley Park witnessed the high level of fear surrounding the technology. The event was touted as a...
UK Parliament

Feeless crypto trades in Houses of Parliament

FEELESS cryptocurrency Nano was used for the first-ever crypto transactions at the Houses of Parliament. An official event took place at the Centre of FinTech...
CHERRISK in numbers

Focus on goals, communication and a human touch have stood insurance...

CHERRISK, located in Budapest, and its insurance partner, the UNIQA Group,  headquartered in Vienna, have made a splash in the insurance sector with their...