
Man watching TV

Mega-merger of media giants brings stock moves and criticism

BROADCASTING giants CBS and Viacom are set to merge in a media deal that will see shared ownership of MTV, Comedy Central and Paramount...
DVDs and CDs

Plunge in disc sales seems to prove that future is virtual...

THE NEWS that sales of DVDs, CDs and video games has plunged by almost a fifth should come as no surprise. After all, consumers...
Adidas trainers

Three stripes and you’re not out: Adidas loses bid to be...

ADIDAS has failed to expand its trademark three-stripe design in Europe because it isn’t distinctive enough. (Click here to see stock prices for the companies...
Bears Ears National Park

Rival outdoor clothing brands united in fight for environmental protection

ETHICAL fashion may be a buzzword now, but some clothing brands have been riding the sustainability wave longer than others. And naturally, outdoor apparel...
Coke bottle on ice

High hopes for Coca-Cola ‘recovery drink’ with CBD cannabis extract

COCA-COLA is considering putting a drug-related substance into one of its beverages – and not for the first time. Coke became one of the world’s...
Pharrell Williams

Sony Corp takes major stake in EMI to rule the music...

Sony is buying a controlling stake in EMI in a deal worth £1.7bn ($2.3bn), making it the world’s biggest music publisher SONY Corporation has announced...
Burger, fries, cola

Burger and a Coke? Fast food and fizzy drink changes ahead

McDonald’s and Coca-Cola usher in new ideas to pep-up, perk-up and slim-down the customers in the queue By HAL WILLIAMS JUNK food has come a long...

William Hill write-down slashes value of bookie’s Australian operation

The first rule of gambling: ‘The house always wins.’ So how has William Hill managed to veer so far off-course with its Australian operations? THREE...
Red Ferrari

Status symbols in and out of the boardroom

From cufflinks to cars, Blackberries to dog breeds: status symbols are evolving. BV’s RICHARD THOMAS cranes his neck to get a glimpse of the...
Nike Shoes Landscape

Celestial origins to cerebral slogans, Nike’s been just doing it for...

The world’s largest supplier of athletic shoes and clothing owes its success to dedication, hard work… and the willingness to correct errors and oversights Nike...