
ZICA ASSIS (Founder, Beliza Natural): A real rags to riches tale

AS a child in the seventies, Zica Assis and her family had nothing. They lived, like thousands of others in the run-down favelas of...

EESHA KHARE (Student): Young inventor changing the mobile world

MOBILE phone batteries last for a few hours and then slowly die. We all sigh a little, put them on charge, and wait a...

Blowing the Whistle on Subprime Banks: Alayne Fleischmann

Whistle blowers revealing corporate wrong-doing can pay a high personal price for acting with integrity. History is littered with examples of organisations determined to...

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Waiting for the Age of Reason

Her life has been an extraordinary journey across varied political, cultural, and geographical landscapes. She is beautiful, intelligent, courageous, and quite outspoken. Author, campaigner, politician,...

Asia Pacific: Economic Integration Gaining Ground

Some of the world’s most promising economic partnerships straddle the Asia-Pacific Region. That vast spread of economies offers a contrasting landscape of competitiveness. While...

Zaha Hadid (1950-2016): “I Don’t Design Nice Buildings”

Zaha Hadid orphaned this world on March 31 and left it waiting for great works that now will never be. Architects bloom late in...

A Synchrotron for Africa: Scientists Unite Behind Proposed Project

With the Zimbabwe dollar now relegated to history, the country’s resilient, albeit battered, economy is once again lubricated by a stable currency. Emerging from...

Joe Penna: Master of the Digital Video

The recent rise of video-sharing sites such as YouTube and Vimeo have allowed low budget independent filmmakers to reach millions of viewers. The MysteryGuitarMan...

Alexa von Tobel (CEO LearnVest): Smart move for a dropout

FINANCIAL planning is rarely considered an activity that attracts passion. Yet for one entrepreneur, it delivered enough fervour to warrant dropping out of Harvard...

OECD: 21st Century Trade Agreements & Regulatory Coherence

In the past, services markets were largely local and countries mostly worked out their regulation without consideration for how other countries regulate. As a...