
Polzyme mulch

Dirty rotten plastic? Biodegradable film cuts pollution and costs

A new Spanish firm hopes to end agricultural plastic waste with an environmentally friendly product. HAL WILLIAMS speaks to the founders… PLASTIC is pretty much...
Woman working on computer, programming.

The Great Tech Unrest: refresh your screen

OVER three quarters (77 percent) of UK tech professionals are unhappy in their jobs — and they’re seeking new roles. The What Do Tech Talent...

Steven Spielberg: Storyteller Extraordinaire

It takes a remarkable man to change the course of a whole industry with one mechanical shark. Steven Spielberg did just that with his...
AI training

Amazon’s free AI training courses to be rolled out

AMAZON will provide free AI training to two million people by 2025 in a bid to boost proficiency. The firm’s AI Ready commitment aims to...
Bitcoin with credit card and POS terminal

Lloyds Banking Group shuts down all crypto credit card transactions

Are we witnessing the murder of Bitcoin? Knives are out for the biggest and (so far) bestest crypto on the block. HAL WILLIAMS looks...

Oh What a Circus, Oh What a Show: Marissa Mayer and...

The struggling Internet portal, which in February announced plans to axe 15% of its workforce, was the gateway of choice to the internet for...

Alexa von Tobel (CEO LearnVest): Smart move for a dropout

FINANCIAL planning is rarely considered an activity that attracts passion. Yet for one entrepreneur, it delivered enough fervour to warrant dropping out of Harvard...

Calestous Juma: A Biotech Revolution for Africa

In western countries, the genetic modification of crops is often seen as a threat to the environment. Professor Calestous Juma takes a contrarian view:...
Virgin Media and O2 logos

Virgin Media, O2 merge creating one of UK’s biggest telecoms companies

BROADBAND provider Virgin Media and mobile operator O2 have announced a merger to create what will be one of the UK's largest entertainment and...
Purple Grapes - wine investment illustration

This could be a grape investment — but …

Want to invest in something different? There’s an app for that, discovers HAL WILLIAMS... THE WINE investment segment has seen a five percent rise in...